OUr Values

These are our core values that we hold to here at pella. 

The Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God is both the rule and reign of our Lord Jesus Christ now in the lives of believers and our blessed hope of God making all things new again. Therefore God is reconciling all of creation and restoring us back to our humanity. This reality means that we as believers regularly gather as the church as a signpost of this Kingdom.


We believe disciples are literal followers of Jesus Christ, who are actively meditating on and living according to His word, and seeking to make other disciples. Disciples are not simply consumers, but those who believe and actively follow.

Gathering of the saints

In homes or in corporate gatherings, saints grow most when they regularly gather with other believers. This is true because we are made in God's image, and God himself is in community by His very nature in Trinity. We believe these communities are best when they have strong elements of mission and studying the word, with an eclectic group of people.

Community presence

Not only do we gather regularly as believers, but also actively participate in the larger life of our city. We intentionally create spaces called missions to serve the needs of the local community.

Gospel proclamation

The gospel is the good news of God’s redemption of humanity and restoration of all things through the person of Jesus Christ. We believe redemption and restoration of the brokenness in our world is only possible through the saving work of Jesus Christ, Which is proclaimed through the preaching of the word and the conviction of the Spirit. (Romans 10)
If you want to know more about our values, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Do you have more questions? Want more information? Email us by clicking the link below.